Site Collections by default are stored in the content database for the web application. The diagram below illustrates this. Using the administration user interface you cannot create a new site collection with its own content database. This may lead you to create many web applications for your SharePoint site collections so that each one has its own database that can be backed up using SQL Server database backups and SharePoint backup and restore. Restoring the backups may become awkward as you will have to restore the whole content database unless you have a 3rd party disaster recovery tool in place. STSADM has an operation called "CreateSiteInNewDB". The command line definition for this command is: stsadm -o createsiteinnewdb -url -owneremail [-ownerlogin ] [-ownername ] [-secondaryemail ] [-secondarylogin ] [-secondaryname ] [-lcid ] [-sitetemplate ] [-title ] [-description ] [-hostheaderwebapplicationurl ] [-quota ] [-databaseuser ] [-databasepassword ] [-databasese...
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