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Showing posts from June, 2012

Changing Content Type Hub URL

Change the Hub URL through powershell by using: Set-SPMetadataServiceApplication -Identity " " -HubURI " " For Ex: Set-SPMetadataServiceApplication -Identity "Managed Metadata Service" -HubURI "http://contenttype.Domain.Com" When you try to do this you get this rather scary message: This is SharePoint telling you that this is a major thing so be careful! Essentially all your content types that you have published out will be removed if they can, and you have to republish all of your content types out again which can cause some issue.

Export/Import Managed Metadata from one farm to another?

Managed metadata terms and termsets each have a unique guid. If you take a backup of a site that is using managed metadata in some columns and restore this site into another environment, the guids don't match up. You will have to go through and re click each term and "wire it back up" so it's okay and doesn't show in red text. The easiest way to  MOVE  the managed metadata service application from one environment to the other. That way you can ensure that the GUIDs of terms and termsets match. Powershell for Export: $mmsAppId= "App ID Guid Placeholder" $mmsproxy = Get-SPServiceApplicationProxy -Identity "Proxy ID Guid Placeholder" Export-SPMetadataWebServicePartitionData -Identity $mmsAppId -ServiceProxy $mmsproxy -Path "Path to save Exported file placeholder" App ID Guid Placeholder: Navigate to Central Admin > Application Management > Manage Service Applications > Managed Metadata Service Application Cop...