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Showing posts from November, 2010

SharePoint 2010 Interview Questions – IT Pro / Architect

SharePoint 2010 Interview Questions – IT Pro / Architect Basic Intro SharePoint Architecture Questions 1) What are Web Applications in SharePoint? An IIS Web site created and used by SharePoint 2010. Saying an IIS virtual server is also an acceptable answer. 2) What is an application pool? A group of one or more URLs that are served by a particular worker process or set of worker processes. 3) Why are application pools important? They provide a way for multiple sites to run on the same server but still have their own worker processes and identity. 4) What are zones? Different logical paths (URLs meaning) of gaining access to the same SharePoint Web application. 5) What are Web Application Policies? Enables security policy for users at the Web application level, rather than at the site collection or site level. Importantly, they override all other security settings. 6) What is a site collection? A site collection contains a top-level website and can contain one or more sub-sites web si...

SharePoint 2010 Cross-Farm Services And External Data Sources

There are several steps involved in the process of deploying cross farm services. Each step is very important to gain the overall results you are after. Configuration of trusted farms ensures all of the farms that use exchanges can trust each other. Certificates have to be exported to a file. Make sure you back up that file before you connect to any of the cross farm services. Publishing service applications must be done before you will be able to successfully share it across farms. Connecting cross farm service applications provides a connection must be made to a service that is published by a remote farm. This will require the URL to be entered of the published service. This is going to be displayed when you publish it. The connection on the local farm has to be created so that it can be connected successfully to a service application for a remote farm. Should there be two domains where the server farms are located, the User profile service application will require both of them to tr...

SharePoint 2010 Service Application Design Best Practices

Through SharePoint 2010, there is an improvement of the services infrastructure that was previously introduced in an earlier version. This infrastructure also hosts services for the SharePoint Foundation 2010. The configuration of services offered is very flexible. This allows the individual services to be configured independent of each other. It also makes it possible for 3rd party companies to be able to add services to that platform. The configuration of services aren’t exclusive to SharePoint Server. The services aren’t restricted to Shared Services Providers. When service applications are deployed from a farm there are a couple of different methods that can be used. They include the use of Windows PowerShell, adding services one at a time through the Manage Service Applications page, and choosing services for running the SharePoint Products Configuration Wizard. The infrastructure of the services has been updated so that there is more control over the types of services that have b...