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Showing posts from January, 2010

Difference between STSADM Backup/Restore and Import/Export

I have been asked by many about the differences between Backup/Restore vs. Import/Export operations, they both really serve very different purpose. Backup/Restore Can back up top-level websites (Site Collections), an individual database, a Web application, or an entire farm. There is no Default File Extension for back up files Supports “Full” and “Differential” back up. If “overwrite” option is selected while restoring it overwrites entire SiteCollection Supports UNC path to save/restore backup files. Backup of Site Collection can be tracked by stsadm -o backuphistory operation Import/Export Like Smigrate.exe utility in SPS 2003, you can migrate sites, subsites and Site Collection. Default file Extension (if not mentioned) “.cmp” Provides “versions” option to control migrate/overwrite files in site Backup files should be copied to server Sites/SiteCollections would not track export/Import history Syntax stsadm -o backup -directory -backupmethod [-item] [-percentage] [-backupthreads] [-...

How to move/migrate SharePoint list items/documents and preserve metadata properties at the same time

I think it’s been pretty common knowledge that you can open up a Document Library in Windows Explorer view to move mass documents to other folders or libraries. But there’s a drawback to that method because the document’s properties get updated in the process – mainly the modified date/time as well as the user would take on the role of the person that ‘Last modified’ the document. This also applies to copying list data in data sheet view from one list to another. Some have figured out a different way where you can save the current list or Document Library as a template with content included and redeploying that to other locations. Unfortunately this method will also overwrite the last modified timestamps and also the ‘Created by’ property with the time that the list was recreated and by the person that created it, respectively. So if you want to move the contents of a SharePoint Document Library or List and be able to preserve the item’s metadata/property values at the same time you sh...