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Showing posts from August, 2009

Weird that Sharepoint Site prompt username/password to access pages

This problem can be bypassed by modifying some settings in IE. Specifically you need to add the SPS site to the list of sites in the Local Intranet Zone as follows. 1. Open IE 2. Click on Toolx -> Internet Options 3. Select Security tab 4. Select Local Intranet Zone 5. Select Sites 6. Click Advanced 7. Add the base URL for your new SPS site to the list 8. Click OK 9. Click OK again. Once this is done you need to configure IE to automatically log in using current username and password for sites in the Intranet Zone. You should still be on the security tab with local intranet still selected 1. Click on Custom Level 2. Right at the bottom select "Automatic logon with current username and password. This should stop the login prompt for users who have access. If you want to avoid doing this on every pc you can apply this rule in Group Policy on your domain controller.

Removing MySite and MyLinks in Sharepoint (MOSS) 2007

Okay, this one took me a while to figure out, but nonetheless I found it and will share it. In order to turn off or disable the MySite or MyLinks functionality you need to be an Sharepoint administrator. Go to the Central Administration Web Page Click on the link for Shared Services Administration --If you have more than one SSP, select the one that is running the MySites functionality Under "User Profiles and My Sites" click Personalization Services Permissions Select the group you want to limit the functionality for. More than likely you will just have NTAuthority\Authenticated Users. In the next screen you will see a list of checkboxes, --To disable MySites uncheck "Create Personal Site" --To disable MyLinks uncheck "Use Personal Features"

Content Query Web Part Error

I get the following error when I try to add a ContentByQuery.webpart in my SharePoint site. "Unable to display this Web Part. To troubleshoot the problem, open this Web page in a Windows SharePoint Services-compatible HTML editor such as Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer. If the problem persists, contact your Web server administrator." I wonder about this error because this error is not coming in another web application on the same system. So I started investigating what should be the problem. Means while I come to know that content query webpart is also not available in the “Add webpart Dialog”. Then I came to know that this Content Query webpart is the part of “Office SharePoint Server Publishing Infrastructure Feature“ So I resolved the error by activating this feature. This feature is rested in site collection feature. And Content Query webpart is also available in the webpart pool.

Enable Incoming Email within SharePoint 2007

SharePoint 2007 allows for emails to be accepted into discussions, document libraries and lists. To enable this functionality, a few steps will need to be followed. One thing to note: integrating SharePoint with Exchange is NOT needed for this functionality, but if you do choose Exchange, you will get some added benefits. -SMTP Service You will need to install the SMTP Server Service on the SharePoint server. This is done via add/remove programs, and within the IIS component listing. -Enable Incoming Email Now, enable Incoming Email from the Central Administration website. It is found by following: Central Administration > Operations > Incoming Email Settings -SMTP Connector You will finally need to configure an SMTP connector within your email server so it knows where to send emails you designate for SharePoint.

How to get a thumbnail view of an Image?

Hi All, In MOSS we have picture library where we can upload images. But there is no way where you can display thumbnail view of an image. All you have to do is just append “_t” to directory and convert period in filename with underscore character and append images extension. Here are the samples: If the Image URL is: "http://server/site/mysite/PictureLibrary/testPic.gif" Change it to "http://server/site/mysite/PictureLibrary/_t/testPic_gif.gif" You can also use _w instead of _t. This will give you larger image. This idea is given by Robert Bogue (MVP)

How to Disable the Default Out-of-Box site definitions in SharePoint 2007?

Hi All, May times we are required to create a site from site templates. But there are certain scenarios where you do not want creators to create any site that are based on default site definitions. You forcefully make user create site from your own site definition. Here is a way how you can remove built-in site definitions. But before doing this make sure that you take backup of the following files that you are going to change or remove. We will work with this path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\TEMPLATE\1033\XML\ WEBTEMP.XML - This will remove Collaboration and Meeting sites and tabs WEBTEMPSPS.XML - This will remove templates for the Publishing Tab WEBTEMPSRCH.XML - This will remove Search Templates WEBTEMPOFFILE.XML - This will remove Records Center WEBTEMPBDR.en-us.XML - This will remove Document Center Change 'Hidden = False' with 'Hidden = True' for the definition you would like to hide. Site creators are now forced to cre...

How to transfer site content DB from C drive to Other drive

Many a times we face an issue that c drive is out of space especially b'coz our site content db is on c drive and we continue to add large size documents and media files etc. In order to get rid of this we can transfer the db to some other drive say d drive with more space. Here is how you can do it: Go to SQL server management studio and right click on the content db. As chances are that this db is currently in use hence first take it offline. It will take some time to take it offline. Once done right click detach the db. Now go to the location on the c drive program files sql server folder and find the db files. Cut the files from there and paste in a new folder on d drive. Again go to mgmt studio and attach the db from the new location. Done

How to get to the WebPart Maintenance Page?

If you want a quick and easy way to get to the WebPart Maintenance Page simple append the following to the URL for any page: "?content=1". So for instance if you are at the default page your URL will look like this: If you need to open the WebPart Maintenance page at this location you would add the above to the end of the URL as follows: This will open the WebPart Maintenance page for this location.

Changing the language of an existing SharePoint site

The problem was that the site was created in English, while it should have been created in Dutch. All content was in Dutch of course, but for instance the Site Actions button still said Site Actions, and when adding a document the buttons were "New", "Upload" and "Actions". In order to solve this a couple of possible solutions were explored: Saving the site as template didn't work, because you can only see the saved site when you create a site in the original language of the site Using backup and restore didn't work, the site kept it's original language Changing the language through the object model didn't work, because the Language property of the SPWeb object is read-only This last attempt did trigger me to think that the language of a site is stored at SPWeb level. It is also stored in the database in the Webs table. So I decided to do a little test with changing the language in de database. And it worked like a charm! Now you need to k...

Bad Practice #2: No Governance Plan

This is the bare bones necessities you need to cover for a successful SharePoint implementation. It isn't pretty or well explained, but will get you started in the right direction. Item/List/Site Recovery – Who is responsible? How will you back them up? Does it work? Versioning – How many? At least one for backup reasons? Who manages this? Monitoring – You are monitoring your farm, Web apps, app pools, databases, drives, NICs, zones, firewalls, etc – right? Reporting – How are you doing reporting on things like performance and security? Developer Customization – How do you control developer customizations and custom code? Solutions? Features? Both? Ad-hoc? (I hope not! the latter!) SharePoint Designer Customization – Does everyone have SPD? Is that a good think/ Windows Server configuration management – Who controls the configuration and change management of the server platforms themselves/ Server farm configuration management – How many farm admins do you have? Do you trust them? ...